Welcome dog lovers!

At The Boston Drool, it is our mission to create a healthy, safe and loving environment for your dog to play, socialize and get well deserved exercise.

Service Areas:

Jamaica Plain, Roslindale and West Roxbury


The Boston Drool is an experienced and knowledgeable team. We pride ourselves on being dedicated to the care and thoughtfulness given to all of our clients. It is important for us to take the time to get to know each dog’s individual needs and create a schedule to keep your pet healthy and happy based on his/her unique personality. 

Our most popular and sought after service is the Nature Walk which is a 60 minute hike to a local park with a group of like-minded canines. This is a great opportunity for your pup(s) to socialize, play and get all that energy out during the workweek.

Check out the other services we offer HERE.


The Boston Drool is proud to be fully licensed, bonded and insured. Safety for your pet and house is our highest priority. We are partnered with Pet Sitters Association to provide the best coverage should something happen whether big or small.

See our listing in their directory HERE.

 The Boston Drool | 781-635-5975 | thebostondrool@gmail.com

Jamaica Plain – Roslindale – West Roxbury